Esther Adam, Iván Argote, James Gregory Atkinson, Kerstin Brätsch, FORT, Christian Freudenberger, Anna Haifisch, Anys Reimann, Chris Reinecke, Jana Kerima Stolzer & Lex Rütten, Slow Reading Club, Theresa Weber, Angharad Williams

3 December 2021 – 28 February 2022

This year we were again able to win amazing artists - who were part of our program or are associated with the Kunstverein - for our Jahresgaben: 
Esther Adam
Iván Argote
James Gregory Atkinson
Christian Freudenberger
Anys Reimann
Chris Reinecke
Jana Kerima Stolzer & Lex Rütten
Slow Reading Club
Theresa Weber

A special highlight are three exclusive silk scarf editions in collaboration with
Kerstin Brätsch
Anna Haifisch
Angharad Williams.

If you would like to learn more about individual works and view the Jahresgaben on site, please feel free to get in touch. 

By purchasing Jahresgaben, you are making an important contribution to supporting the artists as well as the work of the Kunstverein: collecting art is - especially in these times - actively supporting culture. So take the opportunity to start or expand your art collection with artworks by young, but also established artists!


Jahresgaben of the Dortmunder Kunstverein are an exclusive offer for its members. Not a member yet? Stop by and discover the advantages of a Mitgliedschaft


Reservations and orders will be considered in the order in which they are received. All prices do not include postage. 

Kindly supported by

Kunststiftung NRW alt

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