2. Dortmunder Grüne Kulturwoche

Monday, March 18 to Saturday, March 23, 2024

In March 2022, Dortmund's cultural professionals came together informally on a private initiative to combine their cultural work with the topic of sustainability. What do art and culture have to do with sustainability and climate protection? Dortmund's cultural institutions have been working together for more than a year to answer this question and are organizing Green Culture Week for the second time to draw attention to the topic with exhibitions, concerts, panel discussions, workshops and other events

The group sees itself as a catalyst and multiplier and wants to use its artistic and practical work to interest its audience in the topic, make a contribution to the sustainable development of our society and have a positive impact on the climate crisis.

Part of the initiative in 2024 are: balou e.V.Konzerthaus DortmundTheater DortmundDeutsches Fußballmuseum, DepotDortmunder Kunstverein, Dortmund Kreativdlze – Dienstleistungszentrum Energieeffizienz und KlimaschutzDortmunder U, domicil,  ecce – european centre for creative economyHMKVKoordinierungsstelle Klimaschutz und KlimafolgenanpassungMuseum für Kunst und KulturgeschichtePauluskirche (Kulturkirche, Klimabündnis)Museum OstwallUmweltamtStädtische Museen der Stadt Dortmund, Die UrbanistenZukunftsinitiative Klima.Werk

The centerpiece is the "WWF Earth Hour" on March 23, 2024 - with a panel discussion and a candlelight acoustic concert in St. Paul's Church.

All events and further information can be found on the website:

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