gender roles in cinema, with Prof. Dr. Sophia Prinz: Between resistance and pink-washing

Thursday, 27 June, 2024, starting at 7 PM

gender roles in cinema 
7-7:30 PM
GUIDED TOUR with Rebekka Seubert 
7:30-9 PM
LECTURE by Prof. Dr. Sophia Prinz: Between resistance and pink-washing

► German language event 


Classic Hollywood cinema is a patriarchal machine: film reproduces social norms and ego ideals that cement the binary and hierarchy of the sexes. But where there is power, there is also resistance: the pleasurable play with established gender roles undermines the usual patterns of thought and perception. But Hollywood (and the culture industry as a whole) never sleeps. Forms of resistance are taken up at lightning speed, commercially packaged and defused in the process. Half-hearted strategies such as “pink washing” and “queerbaiting” are now being used to appeal to a queer audience, but without upsetting the usual image of society too much.

Prof. Dr. Sophia Prinz is a cultural theorist. She has been Professor of Design Theory and History at Zurich University of the Arts ZhdK since 2021.


Exhibition and film with the kind support of

Accompanying program with the kind support of

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