23. Dortmunder DEW21 Museumsnacht


Saturday, 23 September 2023, 5-10 PM

5:15 pm
Opening speech and introduction

6 pm
7 pm
8 pm
Performances in cooperation with students of the Folkwang University Essen

Coinciding with the Museum Night, we are pleased to open the new exhibition of Berlin-based artist Nadja Abt (*1984 in Wiesbaden, lives in Berlin). Her painterly works open paths to reinterpretations and reinterpretations of historical signs, spaces, plots, scores and plot patterns from dance, film and literature. Among other things, a series of watercolors from the Ruhr region will be on view at the Kunstverein, which the artist created during her residency "Zu Gast bei Urbane Künste Ruhr / zu Gast bei KunstVereineRuhr".

At the Liquid Currency Bar (2022-24) by artist Zoe Williams, the Kunstverein also entices visitors into a parralel universe: with its own currency and urine-colored drinks.


23. DEW21-Museumsnacht

This year we celebrate Dortmund's Night of Nights for the 23rd time. We are looking forward to a large array of diverse events. Over 40 venues are involved this year. Together, they will offer a huge program of numerous shows, hands-on activities, concerts, guided tours and much more.

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