Rosa von Praunheim: HORROR VACUI

Thursday, 16 February 2023, 7 PM

Horror Vacui, DE, 1985 (85´)
Regie: Rosa von Praunheim, Language: German


This evening brings a classic by the legendary director Rosa von Praunheim (*1942), father of queer German cinema, to the screen of the Kino im U:

Horror Vacui is an experimental feature film from 1984 starring Lotti Huber. The film is reminiscent of German Expressionist cinema. With its painted backdrops it is in the tradition of the "German horror film", crossed with the cultic mysticism of the 1970s. Madame C., founder of a cult that preaches "optimal optimism", casts a spell over a gay student couple and hypnotises the student Frank, who predicts his own imminent death. With the help of a reporter, his friend wants to expose Madame C.'s ambivalent operations. When the police surround her house, the cult members commit collective suicide. Frank survives due to a trick, but evil remains in the world.


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