
ADKV-ART COLOGNE Preis goes to Dortmunder Kunstverein

After 4 nominations in a row, we are pleased to announce that the Dortmunder Kunstverein will receive this year's ADKV / Art Cologne Prize for Art Associations. Every year since 2006, the award honors one of the more than 300 art associations in Germany, Austria and Switzerland for its program of the last three years. We thank the artists, members, supporters as well as the audience, board and the dedicated team with artistic director Rebekka Seubert and curator Linda Schröer for the outstanding achievements of the last years!

The award ceremony will take place during Art Cologne on November 18, 2023, at 3 pm.

Excerpt from the press release (click here for full version):

An independent jury selected the Dortmunder Kunstverein as this year's winner of the €8,000 prize for Kunstvereine, which has been awarded by the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Deutscher Kunstvereine (ADKV) in cooperation with ART COLOGNE since 2006.

The Dortmunder Kunstverein is an exemplary venue and meeting place for contemporary art, offering a space for current art trends at the highest level and at the same time offering itself as a discourse platform for the urban society through very different forms of access. Despite the historical structural weakness of the Ruhr region, it has been able to establish itself as an important production site for contemporary art in North Rhine-Westphalia and in Germany: in the years 2020 to 2023, the Dortmunder Kunstverein doubled the number of its visitors, was able to gain a third of new members, and significantly increased the funding contributions for its own work. The program is characterized by site-specific, experimental projects that deal with contemporary artistic and socially relevant content; in addition to exhibitions, it is distinguished by diverse mediation formats for different target groups.

Strengthening the visibility of BPoC, Latin American, female and queer positions is also a concern of the Dortmunder Kunstverein. It has founded the Dortmund Goes Black initiative together with Schauspiel Dortmund and is working with the international women's Strengthening the visibility of BPoC, Latin American, female and queer positions is also a concern of the Dortmunder Kunstverein. It founded the initiative Dortmund Goes Black together with Schauspiel Dortmund and works with the international Frauen Film Fest as well as the Dietrich-Keuning-Haus on the presence of black perspectives in art in the Ruhr area. In addition, there are numerous local initiatives as well as international cooperations in the area of exhibitions. Last but not least, the Dortmunder Kunstverein co-founded the Green Culture Dortmund initiative, a structure that promotes sustainability in culture.

In awarding this year's ADKV-ART COLOGNE Prize 2023 to the Dortmunder Kunstverein, the jury recognizes not only the association's innovative mediation formats and infrastructural development, but also its intensive local, national, and international networking, and congratulates the team, management, and board most warmly.

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